Zana's Hotel
An hotel based on imaginary movie scenario written by me.The location is Yeni Sükran Hotel / Konak, Izmir. The hotel established about 110 year ago. When I created to scenario I inspired by Fabulism/ Magical realism.In scenario which is based on my thoughts about existence the hotel belongs to Zana who is like to live in this interesting space, cause he also weard person who can be define a stranger in this artificial world. He isolated to society for lots of social reasons which are discrimination, hierarchy and inequality on people.Not only social issues, and also he trying to understand existence of life and disgust with peoples hypocrisy, falsity and treater roles for each other.That’s why, his happy in his inner world on his hotel in a room which is representing a cave.His personal space like to cocoon for protecting society.But in scenario, the stranger travel to all universe.He tried to find meaning of life in several planets.Then his existence of pain continue but his utopias don't.You can read whole scenario for understand to hotel concept and philosophy.